BNS is proud to have been awarded a “Strong” rating in the latest market analysis from Plimsoll Analysis. Using up-to-date data from Companies House we have been ranked against 258 residential managing agents and have done extremely well. Being rated as financially strong within the property management industry demonstrates that BNS is in a good position to succeed in 2022.
This is extremely welcoming news. It reflects the hard work that every member of the BNS team puts in to deliver an exceptional service to all our clients, directors and leaseholders.
It is widely known that within the block management industry, takeovers are becoming more prevalent. Over time, more and more property maintenance companies are being bought out. This creates bigger companies which cannot provide the same personal, efficient and cost-effective service that BNS offers.
Here at BNS, while we do continue to expand and increase our team and services provided, we pride ourselves in staying independent.
The strength reflected in this financial report proves that our bespoke and personal approach to property management is one that is highly sought after.
Here at BNS we take pride in offering a bespoke, independent and local service to all our clients. We believe this is one of the reasons we have been ranked so highly against our industry competitors.
We look forward to what the rest of 2022 has in store for BNS. We will continue to build on our strengths and knowledge within the industry and anticipate another successful year in 2023.
If you’d like to find out more about how we can tailor our services to suit you, please get in touch.